Many people copy and paste their credit card number or password to be used in web forms. But think twice before you do it again. Copy, paste option makes it easy to provide frequently asked information such as password, credit card details etc during log in or online purchase. But it has it's own disadvantages. The copied data remains in your computer's clipboard and websites can extract the data from your clipboard and transfer it to other servers! Read on to get tips to avoid clipboard hack.
Clipboard is a simple temporary memory utility to store data. When a new data is copied, it replaces the previous one. The copied data is temporarily stored in computer's clipboard. When you visit a web page that uses Java Script and ASP/ CGI (a server side scripting language) it would get the data stored in clipboard. All that is needed to get the data from your clipboard is a four line Javascript in the web page. This data could be then transferred to other servers and thus data is hacked from your clipboard. Your anti-virus software nor the Firewall will protect you from such data theft. Hence it is important to make sure that you do not share your sensitive data to the world. Here is an easy way to prevent websites getting sensitive data from your clipboard.
To understand, how web pages get the contents of the clipboard, visit The web page will display the contents of your clipboard, that you have copied last. Usually the web pages that use scripts to get the content from your clipboard, won't display the data that was extracted!
Only Internet explorer is vulnerable to such type of hack. Thanks to browsers like Mozilla FireFox, Opera, Google Chrome as they do not divulge the clipboard contents to web pages. If you use Internet explorer, the following tip would be helpful. Click Tools menu in Internet Explorer. Click "Internet option" in In the drop down menu. Click on the security tap and then Custom security level. Scroll down to find "allow paste operations via script" and set it to "disable". See the picture below for help.
If you use shared computers, never use copy paste to provide sensitive information. It is best to type credit card number, password in web pages. If you use other browsers, it does not mean that your clipboard is safe. Earlier BBC had reported of a clipboard hack, where the clipboard contents are replaced by a link, which when followed leads to a fake security software. It is good idea to have firewall settings and anti virus installed in your computer to prevent such hacks.
Photo credit: basykes
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